

An unmanned aerial vehicle that allows the capture of videos and images in places of difficult access or unhealthy conditions.

The equipment remains in the air with great stability, allowing two forms of fixed flight, whose route is determined via remote control or autonomous, in which the route is previously programmed.

How it Works

Monitoring in foreign exchange, highways, drug trafficking areas, maritime patrol, plantations and fire detection in preserved areas.

Photographic record of difficult to reach areas, such as towers, nuclear power plants, etc
Emergency operations, such as fires, earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, oil rigs and search in environments where unmanned equipment is safer.

Air monitoring in full effectiveness

The equipment can automatically execute scheduled flight plans and has a low cost in flight hours.

The images are transmitted in full HD resolution and also allows the use of thermal cameras during night-time monitoring flight or with poor visibility.

Drone - Proterisco

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